Too Long; Didn't Read AI Too Long; Didn't Watch AI
Agħmel sommarji illimitati bl-AI!
Aġġorna għal PRO US$ 7.0/m
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The author despises people who have latched onto trendy topics like blockchain and AI without truly understanding them. They argue that these individuals are more interested in promoting themselves than making meaningful contributions to their fields. The author believes that true experts in security, data science, and other areas are not concerned with flashy new technologies, but rather focus on solving real-world problems. They express frustration with the prevalence of empty talk and self-promotion in the tech industry and vow to continue studying and working towards making a positive impact.
L-utenti PRO jiksbu sommarji ta' Kwalità Ogħla
Aġġorna għal PRO US$ 7.0/m
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Agħti fil-qosor it-test Agħti fil-qosor it-test mill-fajl Agħti fil-qosor it-test mill-websajt

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