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Päivi Leino-Sandberg alkoi tutkia EU:n ottamaa yli 700 miljardin velkaa – ja törmäsi salaisuuden muuriin

The European Union's (EU) economic development package, known as the "Green Recovery Tracker", has faced criticism. The package promised €10 billion in funding for Ukraine, but it was only partially used and will expire in 2026. Finland, which is one of the biggest beneficiaries of EU funds, wants to ensure it receives all its allocated funding. The EU's Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni and Thierry Breton have proposed new joint investment funds. However, there are disagreements among EU member states on how to proceed. The package's future is uncertain, and experts warn that the criteria for funding may not be strict enough.The text also mentions Päivi Leino-Sandberg, who notes that the EU has significant powers in big issues but lacks transparency. She criticizes the commission's secrecy, which makes it difficult to scrutinize the funds. The package's deadline is approaching, and Finland wants to ensure it receives its allocated funding before it expires.Overall, the text highlights the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the EU's economic development package and the need for greater transparency and accountability.
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