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This text appears to be a list of references or sources related to the topics of coloniality, decoloniality, and social-environmental issues in Colombia. The references include books, articles, and reports written by various authors and organizations.Some of the specific topics and themes covered in these references include:* Coloniality and decoloniality* Urbanization and conservation* Environmental issues in Colombia, particularly in the Cerros Orientales region of Bogotá* Indigenous rights and struggles* Community-led initiatives and activism* Pedagogy and education* Climate change and adaptationThe authors and organizations listed include Colombian academics and researchers, as well as international experts and organizations. The references appear to be a mix of academic and non-academic sources, including books, articles, reports, and theses.Overall, this text suggests that there is a growing body of research and activism focused on social-environmental issues in Colombia, particularly in the context of coloniality and decoloniality.
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