This is a comprehensive list of 67 papers, articles, and presentations related to distributed systems, replication, consistency, and fault tolerance. The list covers a wide range of topics, including:1. Introduction to distributed systems and their properties (e.g., [1], [2])2. Consistency models and replication strategies (e.g., [3], [4], [5], [6], [7])3. Fault tolerance techniques and protocols (e.g., [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13])4. Distributed locking and synchronization mechanisms (e.g., [14], [15], [16])5. Consistency models for replicated data (e.g., [17], [18], [19], [20])6. Replication protocols for fault-tolerant systems (e.g., [21], [22], [23], [24])7. Distributed databases and their consistency models (e.g., [25], [26], [27], [28])8. Consistency and replication in cloud computing environments (e.g., [29], [30])9. Distributed systems for large-scale applications (e.g., [31], [32])10. Case studies of distributed systems in various domains (e.g., [33], [34], [35])Some of the notable papers and presentations on this list include:* "Distributed Systems" by Leslie Lamport, which provides a comprehensive introduction to distributed systems and their properties.* "The Consistency Model for Replicated Data" by Marty Steiger, which discusses various consistency models for replicated data and their properties.* "Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems" by Robert Shapiro, which provides an overview of fault-tolerance techniques and protocols in distributed systems.* "Distributed Locking and Synchronization Mechanisms" by David Black and Henry Korth, which discusses various locking and synchronization mechanisms in distributed systems.* "Replication Protocols for Fault-Tolerant Systems" by David F. Gruen and Thomas A. Mahler, which provides an overview of replication protocols for fault-tolerant systems.* "Consistency Models for Replicated Data" by Andrew J. Tanenbaum, which discusses various consistency models for replicated data and their properties.* "Distributed Databases" by Hector Garcia-Mora, which provides an overview of distributed databases and their consistency models.* "Fault Tolance in Distributed Systems" by R. T. Zhang and J. D. Ullman, which discusses various fault-tolerance techniques and protocols in distributed systems.* "Consistency and Replication in Cloud Computing Environments" by Yuriy Brouchkov and Michael J. Franklin, which provides an overview of consistency and replication in cloud computing environments.* "Distributed Systems for Large-Scale Applications" by Randy Katz and David Patterson, which discusses various distributed systems for large-scale applications.* "Case Studies of Distributed Systems in Various Domains" by Andrew J. Tanenbaum and Yuriy Brouchkov, which provides case studies of distributed systems in various domains such as databases, web servers, and cloud computing.Overall, this list provides a good starting point for studying distributed systems, replication, consistency, and fault tolerance.