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The text discusses how new technologies and transformations in productive processes can help maintain the trend of unemployment, despite the economy's growth rate. It highlights the need for government intervention in areas where the market has failed to distribute resources effectively. The author argues that education cannot be viewed solely from a social policy perspective, but must also consider its historical role in constructing democracy and economic development.The text also discusses how changes in state types have led to profound transformations in social orders, enabling new actors and movements to emerge. These new movements are characterized by greater independence and autonomy from the state, with the goal of satisfying specific social needs rather than simply seeking power.The author notes that these developments must be taken into account when defining the current functions of education, which will require a new paradigm for socio-educative development. The text concludes by emphasizing the need to reframe the debate on the role of education in today's society and the relationship between the state and society.
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