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The discussion focuses on supply-side economics and how it can be applied to boost economic growth. The panellists agree that increasing the supply of labor is crucial for sustainable growth, but there are different approaches in the UK compared to the US. Mahin Khan from The Times of London asks about expanding the supply of labor through migration, which Rachel suggests could be a solution, but notes that Western democracies may struggle with this approach. Marin highlights the importance of training and upskilling existing workers rather than relying on migration.The panel also touches on immigration reform in the US, citing the Earned Income Tax Credit as an example of a successful program that increases workforce participation. Jennifer Lwood emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to supply-side economics, including immigration, skills training, and education policy.Finally, there is a brief mention of interest rates, with one panellist expressing concern about high inflation and calling for the FED to cut interest rates.
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