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ڪابه پابنديون افعال blog : Why I stopped everything and started writing C again

After learning Common Lisp, the author wrote several packages, including cl-facts, a graph database, and became disenchanted with virtual machines and containers. He then decided to start writing in C again, creating a utility library called libc3 that would eventually become a language (KC3) with an interpreter and compiler. The author claims that KC3 is fast, secure, and easy to use, with no garbage collection or runtime errors.
PRO استعمال ڪندڙ اعليٰ معيار جا خلاصا حاصل ڪن ٿا
PRO ڏانهن اپڊيٽ ڪريو US$ 7.0/m
ڪابه پابنديون افعال
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