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מאַכן אַנלימאַטאַד סאַמעריז מיט אַי!
אַפּגרייד צו פּראָ פֿאַר $ [רפּק] / מ
ניט ריסטריקטיד פאַנגקשאַנז


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the food and beverage sector in Bangladesh, leading to increased product expiration, diminished working capital, strain on trade relations, and a drop in GDP contribution. To mitigate these effects, industry experts suggest investing in technology, building resilience in supply chains, and supporting key stakeholders. Short-term strategies include implementing the First Expiry-First Out (FEFO) strategy, developing an online ordering platform and quick delivery system, and providing short-term incentives to distributors. Medium-to-long-term impacts may lead to a decline in ROI, employment cuts, strain on trade relations, and an emphasis on online trade restructuring, which can be countered by building long-standing commitments with distributors, investing in technology, and supporting key stakeholders. However, the study also acknowledges some limitations, such as the case-study approach's potential lack of generalizability and the focus on large-scale enterprises may overlook nuances unique to SMEs. Future research should prioritize large-scale surveys, industry-specific assessments, and comparisons between SMEs and larger organizations to address these limitations and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the pandemic's impact on the food and beverage sector in Bangladesh.
פּראָ יוזערז באַקומען סאַמעריז פון העכער קוואַליטעט
אַפּגרייד צו פּראָ פֿאַר $ [רפּק] / מ
ניט ריסטריקטיד פאַנגקשאַנז
סאַמערייז טעקסט סאַמערייז טעקסט פון טעקע סאַמערייז טעקסט פון וועבזייטל

באַקומען אַוטפּוץ פון בעסער קוואַליטעט מיט מער פֿעיִקייטן

ווערן פּראָ

שייַכות סאַמעריז