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The writer of the text has owned three different Mercedes-Benz models: the W124, W210, and a Skoda Superb. They share their personal opinions on the reliability and problems of each model.The W124 is described as the most reliable car the writer has ever owned, with no major problems during its 654,000 km lifetime. The interior remained in good condition without any signs of wear and tear, and maintenance and repair costs were low. However, the writer notes that the W124's rust problems started after three years, with rust appearing on all corners and edges by the end of its lifespan.In contrast, the W210 had numerous problems from the start, including electrical issues, irregular engine performance, and excessive tire wear. The interior was described as of lower quality compared to the W124, with a lack of durability in materials. Despite these problems, the writer notes that the W210's noise level was better than the W124 and that the car had a more premium feel overall.The Skoda Superb, which the writer has been using as a taxi since 2002, is described as trouble-free and reliable. The writer expresses nostalgia for the good old W124 and laments the decline in quality they perceive in newer models.
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