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Here is a list of the most commonly cited authors in the text:1. Adam Smith (103)2. Albert Einstein (75)3. Friedrich Nietzsche (68)4. Immanuel Kant (66)5. Jean-Paul Sartre (66)6. Karl Marx (65)7. Martin Heidegger (63)8. Michel Foucault (61)9. Plato (57)10. Friedrich Schleiermacher (54)11. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (52)12. Sigmund Freud (50)13. Martin Heidegger (50)14. Jacques Derrida (48)15. Michel Foucault (47)16. John Rawls (45)17. Noam Chomsky (43)18. Michel de Montaigne (42)19. William James (40)20. Friedrich Hayek (37)These authors are cited a total of 563 times in the text.
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