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PRO로 업그레이드 US$ 7.0/m
제한된 기능 없음

The Internet has transitioned from an on-demand pull model to a "just in case" model of pre-provisioning content and services close to users. This shift enabled the expansion of Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), which now serve almost all Internet content and services. The result is a faster, bigger, and more efficient Internet with abundant resources, allowing for greater economies of scale. However, this transition has also led to a decline in the importance of network-centric functions and the role of routing. The author suggests that the current state of transition to IPv6 may be permanent, and that the future of the Internet lies in pushing services towards consumers using content frameworks.
PRO 사용자는 더 높은 품질의 요약을 얻습니다.
PRO로 업그레이드 US$ 7.0/m
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텍스트 요약 파일의 텍스트 요약 웹사이트의 텍스트 요약

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