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The three articles examine the importance of tactical awareness, adaptability, and effective communication within football teams to improve performance. Key findings include:* Different formations can significantly impact physical and technical abilities during small-sided games (Bloomfield et al., 2005). Elite teams exhibit more complex passing patterns, position rotations, and coordinated movements compared to sub-elite teams (Hughes & Franks, 2004).* Ball possession strategies are influenced by the game state and situational variables. Leading teams adopt a more conservative approach, while trailing teams take an offensive and aggressive strategy (Lago-Peñas & Dellal, 2010).* A systematic review of tactical performance in football identified key factors such as formation, player roles, decision-making processes, and team coordination that influence successful performance (Rein et al., 2017).Overall, these studies emphasize the importance of understanding tactical awareness, adaptability, and effective communication within football teams to achieve success in the game.
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