Too Long; Didn't Read AI Too Long; Didn't Watch AI
AI көмегімен шексіз қорытынды жасаңыз!
АҚШ доллары 7 үшін PRO нұсқасына жаңартыңыз
Шектеулі функциялар жоқ


The main character, Estelle, has been thinking about an old friend, Kendall, who she missed dearly despite being busy with her own life. After not hearing from him in years, she receives a letter from him expressing his true feelings towards her, which she finds both heartening and terrifying. She then receives an unexpected visit from another old friend, Dustin, who listens to her confessions and offers empathy and support. Through these interactions, Estelle begins to realize that life can take unexpected turns and that it's never too late to confront one's feelings and take control of one's life.
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АҚШ доллары 7 үшін PRO нұсқасына жаңартыңыз
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