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The Californian Ideology

In their article "The Californian Ideology: Rejecting Fatalism in Hypermedia," Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron critique the idea that the development of hypermedia should be left solely to market forces. They argue that while the free market can provide some benefits, it cannot fully realize the potential of hypermedia without active intervention from public institutions. The authors draw lessons from the French experience with Minitel, a precursor to the modern internet, and advocate for a hybrid approach that combines state intervention, capitalist entrepreneurship, and DIY culture.The authors reject the "Californian Ideology," which they see as a rejection of community and social progress. They argue that the current state of hypermedia in California denies the relevance of new social subjects such as feminism, drug culture, gay liberation, and ethnic identity. Instead, they advocate for a more active role for public institutions in realizing the interests of all citizens through the development of hypermedia.The article is part of a larger debate on the role of technology in shaping society, and how different approaches to its development can lead to different outcomes. The authors emphasize the importance of considering the social and political implications of new technologies, rather than simply relying on the free market to drive innovation.
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