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AI سان لامحدود خلاصو ٺاهيو!
PRO ڏانهن اپڊيٽ ڪريو US$ 7.0/m
ڪابه پابنديون افعال

The Human Rights Abusers Council?

The Human Rights Abusers Council? The new UN Human Rights Council has elected its 47 members, with some positive signs, such as Iran and Venezuela failing to gain membership, but also several notable abusers, including China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, and Pakistan, gaining seats. This raises concerns that the council will not advance human rights, but rather become a vehicle for covering them up.
PRO استعمال ڪندڙ اعليٰ معيار جا خلاصا حاصل ڪن ٿا
PRO ڏانهن اپڊيٽ ڪريو US$ 7.0/m
ڪابه پابنديون افعال
متن جو خلاصو فائل مان متن جو خلاصو ويب سائيٽ تان متن جو خلاصو

وڌيڪ خاصيتن سان بهتر معيار جي پيداوار حاصل ڪريو

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