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Richard Branson’s wild plane act shocks

Sir Richard Branson surprised over 150 Virgin Australia passengers on a domestic flight from Melbourne to Hobart by offering them a free cruise worth up to $7,000 each. The passengers were unaware of the gesture until Branson appeared on the plane's PA system via Facetime. The cruise line's arrival in Australia was celebrated with the gift, and Virgin Voyages' Australian ship, Resilient Lady, will sail from Melbourne as its home port. Passengers were given a free trip to mark the occasion, and Branson expressed his excitement about bringing the "Virgin way" of affordable, stress-free holidays to the sea. The gift was met with electric feelings on board, and Virgin Australia spokesperson praised the crew for keeping the secret until Branson's call. Additionally, Branson surprised the cabin crew, ground crew, baggage handlers, and pilots on the flight with a free cruise, totaling over $1 million in free holidays.
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