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Based on the provided document, the following is a SWOT analysis for Festival Floresta:Strengths:1. Unique identity and strong network of stakeholders2. Wide range of activities and experiences offered3. Sensitive approach to environment and culture4. Strong branding and memorability5. Potential for expansion, collaboration, diversification, innovation, and internationalizationWeaknesses:1. Limited resources (funding, personnel, infrastructure)2. Dependence on external factors (weather, venue availability, audience interest)3. High expectations from stakeholders4. Limited reach in terms of audience size and geographical location5. Lack of standardization in format, content, and qualityOpportunities:1. Expansion into new activities or experiences2. Collaboration with other organizations and initiatives3. Diversification of revenue streams (merchandise, advertising, sponsorships)4. Investment in innovative technologies and approaches5. Internationalization through partnerships with local organizations and governmentsThreats:1. Competition from other events and projects2. Economic instability (recession or currency fluctuations)3. Regulatory changes that affect operations4. Security concerns (theft or vandalism)5. Natural disasters (floods, fires, earthquakes)In conclusion, Festival Floresta has a unique identity and strong network of stakeholders, but faces limitations in terms of resources and reach. The project has opportunities for expansion, collaboration, diversification, innovation, and internationalization, but also faces threats from competition, economic instability, regulatory changes, security concerns, and natural disasters. By addressing these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, Festival Floresta can continue to grow and evolve as a unique and impactful event.
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