Too Long; Didn't Read AI Too Long; Didn't Watch AI
AI ашиглан хязгааргүй дүгнэлт хий!
PRO руу шинэчлэх US$ 7.0/m
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A young woman named Lin is helped by two boys who go out of their way to assist her, but she doesn't understand why they're doing it for free. They take her on a capsule train that moves at high speeds and arrives at a futuristic city with towering skyscrapers and gleaming neon lights. Meanwhile, a man named Sam is called away from his work by a colleague, only to find himself face-to-face with armed soldiers who have come for him. After some confusion, Sam is met by a man who brings him good news that fills him with hope and a sense of possibility. However, both Lin and Sam are left wondering about the motivations behind these events and what they might mean for their futures.
PRO хэрэглэгчид Өндөр чанарын хураангуйг авдаг
PRO руу шинэчлэх US$ 7.0/m
Хязгаарлагдмал функц байхгүй
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PRO болох

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