Too Long; Didn't Read AI Too Long; Didn't Watch AI
AI سان لامحدود خلاصو ٺاهيو!
PRO ڏانهن اپڊيٽ ڪريو US$ 7.0/m
ڪابه پابنديون افعال

Biji, a real estate platform, is expanding its business scope to cover all aspects of the industry. Its core values are user-centric and recognizing cooperation mechanisms. The company's founder and CEO, Zhou Liang, has a team with a strong technical background and a simple and practical management style. He believes that his team will not fear change and that every innovation is an "iterative" process for the company.
PRO استعمال ڪندڙ اعليٰ معيار جا خلاصا حاصل ڪن ٿا
PRO ڏانهن اپڊيٽ ڪريو US$ 7.0/m
ڪابه پابنديون افعال
متن جو خلاصو فائل مان متن جو خلاصو ويب سائيٽ تان متن جو خلاصو

وڌيڪ خاصيتن سان بهتر معيار جي پيداوار حاصل ڪريو

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