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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a psychotherapeutic approach that has been found to be effective in improving the emotional state, quality of life, and psychological flexibility of oncological patients. Group-based ACT has been shown to be useful in treating emotional disorders like anxiety and depression. In cancer patients, ACT has been found to significantly improve psychological flexibility, quality of life, and reduce anxiety, depression, and psychological distress. Additionally, ACT may be effective for various other disorders such as anxiety, depression, pain, trichotillomania, psychotic disorder, drug abuse, and the management of epilepsy and diabetes. Studies have shown that ACT is more effective than treatment as usual or placebo in treating anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, and somatic health problems. ACT has also been found to be efficacious for chronic pain and tinnitus. However, the evidence for its efficacy compared to active control conditions is currently insufficient. Overall, ACT is efficacious for various conditions and demonstrates at least moderate group and pre-post effects for symptom reductions for both anxiety and depression.
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