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በ AI ያልተገደበ ማጠቃለያዎችን ያድርጉ!
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ምንም የተከለከሉ ተግባራት የሉም

The truth about yelling at kids

Is yelling at your kids always harmful? The author argues that it's not, and that the impact of yelling depends on context, intent, and emotional expression. They suggest that yelling can be a moment of authentic emotional expression and that parents should focus on nuance rather than blanket generalizations about yelling being always harmful.
PRO ተጠቃሚዎች ከፍተኛ ጥራት ማጠቃለያዎችን ያገኛሉ
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ምንም የተከለከሉ ተግባራት የሉም
ጽሑፍን ማጠቃለል ጽሑፍን ከፋይል ማጠቃለል ከድረ-ገጹ ላይ ያለውን ጽሑፍ ማጠቃለል

ከተጨማሪ ባህሪያት ጋር የተሻሉ የጥራት ውጤቶችን ያግኙ

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