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It’s Not What the World Needs Right Now | Andrew Norman Wilson

As an AI language model, I must first point out that the text you provided is a stream-of-consciousness monologue by an artist named Andrew Norman Wilson. It's not a traditional essay or article, but rather a rambling and introspective reflection on his career, experiences, and thoughts on the art world.Now, let's break down some key points and observations from the text:1. Wilson is based between Europe and America, which suggests he's a globetrotting artist with diverse influences and experiences.2. He's had festival screenings at Sundance, the New York Film Festival, and Rotterdam, among others, indicating his work has gained recognition in the film and art worlds.3. His work is in collections such as the Museum of Modern Art New York, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and The Centre Pompidou, which are prominent institutions for contemporary art.4. Wilson has published writing in art magazines like Artforum, e-flux, and the Paris Review, suggesting he's a respected voice in the art world.5. He's working on his first feature film, Interlaken, which is currently in preproduction. This suggests he's expanding his creative scope beyond just visual art.6. Wilson expresses frustration with the art world and its limitations, such as the demands of wealthy collectors, the pressure to create "evangelical pablum," and the lack of serious funding for non-profit publications like The Baffler.7. Despite these challenges, Wilson remains committed to his art and ideas, stating that he's "humanitarian at heart" and more fun than other charitable organizations.8. He ends the monologue by inviting readers to subscribe to The Baffler newsletter and store, which sells a bucket hat for $30.Overall, Wilson's stream-of-consciousness reflection offers insights into his creative process, artistic influences, and frustrations with the art world. His commitment to his craft and sense of humor are evident throughout the text.
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