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Summary:The main function of a multiplexer is to select one input signal from multiple inputs and send it to a single output line. Multiplexes can handle two to 16 inputs, depending on the type, and allow for parallel data transfer to multiple output lines. They are used in digital electronics to reduce the number of signal lines required and allow for faster processing of data.Answers:1. The main function of a multiplexer is to select one input signal from multiple inputs and send it to a single output line.2. The characteristics of a multiplexer include having two or more input lines and one output line, being able to switch between parallel and serial data transfer, and allowing for both analog and digital signals.3. A multiplexer can handle 2 to 16 inputs, depending on the type.4. The difference between a multiplexer and a demultiplexer is that a multiplexer sends data to a demultiplexer, which then sends it to multiple output lines, while a demultiplexer receives data from a multiplexer and sends it to multiple input lines.5. The advantage of using a multiplexer is that it allows for parallel data transfer to multiple output lines, reducing the number of signal lines required.
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