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The article discusses the issue of climate change refugees and whether they can be considered as refugees under the 1951 Refugee Convention. The author argues that climate change refugees can be considered as refugees if they meet the requirements of the Convention, which includes having a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons such as race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.The article refutes several arguments against considering climate change refugees under the Convention, including:1. The argument that harm caused by climate change is not relevant to the issue of persecution.2. The argument that the impact of climate change is indiscriminate and does not target specific groups.3. The argument that climate change refugees do not constitute a particular social group.4. The argument that considering climate change refugees will open the floodgates to millions of others facing similar hardships.Instead, the author argues that an evolutionary interpretation of the Convention, combined with a human rights-based approach, supports the inclusion of climate change refugees under the Convention. The article concludes by emphasizing the humanitarian spirit of the Convention and the need for a more inclusive definition of a refugee to ensure that the Convention withstands the test of time.
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