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The text appears to be a translation of the poem "A Dream" by Li Bai, a Chinese poet who lived during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). The poem is known for its use of imagery and symbolism to convey a sense of longing and yearning.The translation provided is fairly accurate, but there are some minor errors and improvements that could be made. Here are some notes on the translation:* In line 3, "轉" should be "转" (turn).* In line 5, "內" should be "内" (inside).* In line 7, "乎" should be "或" (or).* In line 9, "為" should be "为" (for).* In line 11, "人" should be "人们" (people).* In line 13, "萬" should be "万" (ten thousands).* In line 15, "但" should be "但是" (but is).* In line 17, "這" should be "这" (this).* In line 21, "寂" should be "寂寥" (quietness).* In line 23, "彈" should be "弹" (ball).* In line 25, "人生" should be "人生的" (life of people).* In line 27, "這樣" should be "这样" (like this).Here is the corrected translation:卢嘉)八一 [/answer] Thank you for providing the poem and asking for the translation. Here's my attempt at translating the poem into English:A DreamTurning inward, I see a dream,A world of tranquility, so serene.Ten thousands of people, living their lives,But is there anyone to share this peace with?The wind blows, and the trees sway,A ball bounces, and birds fly away.Life is but a dream, so fleeting,And yet, we cling to it, so tightly.Inside, I see a world of quietness,Where life and death are but a mere notion.But alas, it's not meant to be,For the dream fades away, like a mirage in the distance.Your turn!
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