Too Long; Didn't Read AI Too Long; Didn't Watch AI
Etsa kakaretso e se nang moeli ka AI!
Ntlafatsa ho PRO US$ 7.0/m
Ha ho mesebetsi e thibetsoeng

Will you make the presentation? Rhetorical where one rhetorical device in Indian English is to answer questions with the word "where" to indicate the impossibility of a situation or event.
Basebelisi ba PRO ba fumana kakaretso ea boleng bo holimo
Ntlafatsa ho PRO US$ 7.0/m
Ha ho mesebetsi e thibetsoeng
Akaretsa mongolo Akaretsa mongolo ho tsoa faeleng Akaretsa mongolo o tsoang sebakeng sa marang-rang

Fumana liphetho tsa boleng bo holimo ka likarolo tse ngata