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This is a list of references for research studies related to the effects of maternal deprivation on children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. These references include both classic and recent studies that have investigated the long-term effects of maternal deprivation on children's development.1. Spitz, R. A. (1945). Hospitalism. In: Psychoanalytic study of the child, New York, International Universities Press, Vol. 1, p. 53.2. Skeels, H. M., & Fillmore, E. A. (1937). The mental development of children from underprivileged homes. J. genet. Psycho/., 50, 427.3. Skeels, H. M., Updegraff, R., Wellman, B., & Williams, H. M. (1938). A study of environmental stimulation: an orphanage preschool project. Iowa Stud. Child Welf., 15, No. 4.4. Spitz, R. A. (1946). Hospitalism: a follow-up report. In: Psychoanalytic study of the child, New York, International Universities Press, Vol. 2, p. 113.5. Spitz, R. A. (1949). The role of ecological factors in emotional development in infancy. Child Develpm., 20, 145.6. Spitz, R. A. (1960). Discussion of Dr Bowby's paper. In: Psychoanalytic study of the child, New York, International Universities Press, Vol. 15, p. 85.7. Stolz, L. M. (1960). Effects of maternal employment on children: evidence from research. Child Develpm., 31, 749.8. Thorpe, W. H. (1950). The concepts of learning and their relation to those of instinct. In: Danielli, J. F., & Brown, R., ed., Physiological mechanisms in animal behaviour, London, Cambridge University Press (Symp. Soc. exp. Bioi., No. 4), p. 387.9. Wardle, C. J. (1961). Two generations of broken homes in the genesis of conduct and behavior disorders in childhood. Brit. med. J., 2, 349.10. Wootton, B. (1959). Social science and social pathology, London, Alien & Unwin.11. Yarrow, L. J. (1961). Maternal deprivation: toward an empirical and conceptual re-evaluation. Psycho/. Bull., 58, 459.These references provide evidence for the long-term effects of maternal deprivation on children's cognitive, social, and emotional development, including delays in language development, socialization difficulties, and increased risk of anxiety and depression.
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