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In this article, the author provides an overview of the concept of "mobile images" in the context of mobile communication and media studies. The author analyzes various aspects of mobile images, including their creation, dissemination, and impact on individuals and society. The article also discusses theoretical frameworks that can be used to understand the phenomenon of mobile images, such as McLuhan's medium theory, Baudrillard's simulacrum theory, and Kittler's media archeology.The author defines mobile images as any image or video content created, transmitted, or received through a mobile device. Mobile images are unique in their ubiquity, immediacy, and mobility, allowing individuals to create and share images instantly through social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. The article also examines the various ways in which mobile devices are used for image creation, including photography and video production.The author then discusses the theoretical frameworks that can be used to understand the phenomenon of mobile images. McLuhan's medium theory posits that new media forms will have a transformative impact on society, while Baudrillard's simulacrum theory suggests that modern society is characterized by the proliferation of copies or simulations of reality. Kittler's media archeology seeks to understand the historical and cultural context of media technologies.The article concludes by highlighting the significant impact of mobile images on contemporary society, including the creation of a new form of visual literacy in which individuals can quickly and easily create and share images with others. However, the author also notes potential negative consequences such as the proliferation of misinformation and the blurring of boundaries between reality and simulation.Overall, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of mobile images in the context of mobile communication and media studies, offering insights into their creation, dissemination, and impact on society, as well as theoretical frameworks that can be used to understand this phenomenon.
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