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In a session with her therapist, Jill discusses her father's lack of emotional expression and distance towards her. The therapist listens attentively and offers insightful comments to help Jill understand her father's behavior. The therapist suggests that Jill's father may be dealing with his own emotional issues, making it difficult for him to express love and affection. The therapist also notes that Jill's father may have a different way of showing love, which can be misunderstood by Jill. Jill feels frustrated and confused about her father's behavior, but the therapist reassures her that it's not about rejecting or loving her less. The therapist encourages Jill to focus on understanding her father's emotional struggles and to communicate with him in a more empathetic manner. The passage highlights the importance of empathy and self-awareness in therapy, and the potential for growth and change when individuals are willing to confront their emotional limitations.
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