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1. Acknowledge potential counterarguments and include them in your essay to demonstrate that you have considered multiple perspectives.2. Include evidence that may contradict your position to show that you have done thorough research and are aware of potential criticisms.3. Anticipate objections from readers and address them in your essay to build credibility and demonstrate your willingness to engage with different viewpoints.4. Avoid flat-footed, unnuanced, and unsophisticated certainty by recognizing the complexity and nuances of the topic you are discussing.5. Use a licensed guide, such as "Writing in College," to help you analyze and revise your first draft.6. Use a checklist to review your draft and ensure that it addresses the main question or issue, has a clear thesis, and is organized in a way that makes sense for the intended audience.7. As a peer reviewer, focus on coaching the writer rather than casting judgment on their work. Provide specific feedback that includes both strengths and weaknesses, and ask questions to help the writer clarify any confusing passages.8. Always express an interest in reading the next draft and offering further feedback.
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