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The research paper examines the current state of freedom of information in Malaysia, including the legal framework, challenges faced, and the role of civil society in promoting this fundamental right. The paper highlights that freedom of information is essential for a healthy democracy as it enables citizens to hold their elected representatives accountable and participate meaningfully in the decision-making process. However, there are challenges in implementing this right due to limitations in the legal framework and restrictions imposed by various laws and regulations. Civil society organizations have played a crucial role in advocating for greater access to information and stronger legal protections for freedom of expression. The paper concludes that ensuring freedom of information is important for promoting transparency, accountability, and participation in society, and therefore, it is essential to continue advocating for greater protection of this right in Malaysia.Some key points from the summary are:* Freedom of information is a fundamental human right that is essential for a healthy democracy.* In Malaysia, there are legal recognition of this right under various laws, including the Federal Constitution and the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA).* Despite legal recognition, there are challenges in implementing this right due to limitations in the legal framework and restrictions imposed by various laws and regulations.* Civil society organizations have played a crucial role in promoting greater access to information and stronger legal protections for freedom of expression.* The relationship between freedom of information and democracy is complex and interdependent, and ensuring this right can bring several benefits to society, such as increased transparency, accountability, and participation.* Continued advocacy is necessary to protect this right in Malaysia in order to promote a healthy and functioning democracy.
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