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PRO ga yangilang US$ 7.0/m
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The VLC project's completion date has been extended by six months to December 31, 2024. This extension will allow for the continuation of project activities and the delivery of agreed upon outcomes. The reasons for the change include delays in starting work on the project in March 2022, a revised timing for deliverables related to the Leadership Programme II and the People Experience workstream, and an extended consultation timeline for the Leadership Principles. Additionally, the aspects of the User Experience cycle were not identified before the start of the project, resulting in only two aspects being established, with a third no longer required. Finally, the delivery against the Engagement RFP will be extended beyond the originally agreed upon April date to accommodate contracts and negotiations processes.
PRO foydalanuvchilari Yuqori Sifatli xulosalarni olishadi
PRO ga yangilang US$ 7.0/m
Cheklangan funksiyalar yo'q
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The VLC project's completion date has been extended by six months to December 31, 2024. This extension will allow for the continuation of project activities and the delivery of ag…
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