Based on the given text, here are some key points that can help you absorb the content:1. The benefits of hiring freelancers for project management include increased flexibility, access to a broader pool of skills and expertise, reduced costs, and improved scalability.2. Freelancers can bring fresh ideas and perspectives to your project, and their versatility can help you adapt to changing market conditions or technological advancements.3. By integrating freelancers into your project management, you can better respond to unforeseen events and changes in your project's scope, timeline, or resources.4. To effectively integrate freelancers into your project management, you can adopt adaptive planning methods, build a network of freelancers, and establish clear communication channels.5. Managed Experts is a platform that connects businesses with top-tier freelancers in various fields, including IT, marketing, design, and more. Their pool of experts undergoes rigorous selection processes to ensure quality and reliability.6. By working with Managed Experts, you can gain access to a wide range of skills and expertise, and their freelancers are available for temporary or part-time work, as well as in German or English, to meet your international project needs.7. The company's focus on flexibility and quality ensures that you can rely on them to meet your project management needs, allowing you to concentrate on your core business.In summary, hiring freelancers for project management can provide numerous benefits, including increased flexibility, access to a broader pool of skills and expertise, reduced costs, and improved scalability. By integrating freelancers into your project management through platforms like Managed Experts, you can better respond to unforeseen events and changes in your project's scope, timeline, or resources, while also ensuring quality and reliability.