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REFERENCES:Borenstein and Pearson (2010) explore the possibility of robots serving as caregivers, expanding individual freedom. Coeckelbergh (2010) examines AI-assisted technologies' ethical implications in healthcare, emphasizing capabilities and human dignity. Decker (2008) considers interdisciplinary technology assessment's ethical reflection in robot caregiving, while DeFalco (2020) develops a theory of posthuman care, highlighting the perspectives of both humans and caring robots.European Commission (2012) provides economic and budgetary projections for EU member states through 2060, offering context for understanding the aging population's impact on society. Fraser (2016) analyzes contradictions within capitalism and care systems, while Gary (2021) explores the limitations of human caring in the face of robotic care. Puig de la Bellacasa (2017) delves into speculative ethics in a more than human world, addressing matters of care. Royakkers and van Est (2015) conduct a literature review on new robotics, including their impact on automation.Sharkey (2014) assesses the effects of robot care on older people's dignity, while Sharkey and Sharkey (2012) examine ethical issues in robot care for the elderly. Sparrow and Sparrow (2006) discuss the future of aged care, focusing on machines' potential impact. Tronto (2015) considers reframing a democratic politics through care-centered perspectives.These sources provide a comprehensive foundation for analyzing robotic care and its intersection with ethics, technology, and society.
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