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This literature review discusses the current state of research on multimodal analysis of controversy in the media, focusing on the interplay between language and images in creating meaning. The authors analyze various theories and models of multimodality, including Kress and van Leeuwen's (1996) theory of multimodal grammar, which emphasizes the importance of understanding how different modes (such as language, image, and sound) work together to create meaning. They also examine the concept of intersemiosis, introduced by Kress and van Leeuwen (1998), which refers to the way in which different semiotic systems interact and influence each other.The authors review a range of studies that have applied multimodal analysis to media texts, including newspaper front pages (Kress and van Leeuwen, 1998) and news articles (Van Dijk, 1991). They also discuss the use of multimodal analysis in examining controversial issues, such as racism and terrorism (Rojecki, 2005), and the importance of considering the social and political contexts in which media texts are produced and consumed.The authors highlight the challenges of conducting multimodal analysis, including the need to consider the complex interplay between language and images, as well as the need to develop new methods for analyzing multimodal data. They also suggest that multimodal analysis can provide valuable insights into the ways in which media texts construct meaning and create cultural values.Overall, this literature review provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on multimodal analysis of controversy in the media, highlighting the importance of considering the interplay between language and images in creating meaning.
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