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გადადით PRO-ზე US$ 7.0/m
არ არის შეზღუდული ფუნქციები

In this AutoCAD tutorial for interior designers, the basics of using the software for creating construction documents are covered. The tutorial begins by explaining the importance of understanding input commands and selections in AutoCAD, including the use of the drawing origin (0,0,0) as the base point of a project. Attaching images and PDF files to the drawing is also covered, with instructions on how to open and scale these files within AutoCAD. Additionally, the tutorial discusses the importance of setting a project folder and saving files regularly, with tips on how to use backup files (.bak) and convert them to .dwg format. The tutorial references two books for further reading: "Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing" by K. Lalit Narayan and "Discrete surfaces for architectural design" by H. Pottmann, S. Brell-Cokcan, and J. Wallner.
PRO მომხმარებლები იღებენ უმაღლესი ხარისხის შეჯამებებს
გადადით PRO-ზე US$ 7.0/m
არ არის შეზღუდული ფუნქციები
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