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The article discusses the difficulties faced by jobseekers in Australia, particularly those receiving welfare payments, in finding and maintaining employment. Despite a tight labor market with low unemployment rates, there is a mismatch between the skills and experience of jobseekers and available jobs. Additionally, mutual obligations can create stress and lower job search capability for recipients of welfare payments. Factors such as poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to resources hinder jobseekers' ability to find and keep employment. The article quotes Dr. Klein and Professor Borland on the need to address underlying issues and provide empathy and understanding towards jobseekers rather than perpetuating feelings of shame or blame. A Centrelink building is featured in the article, highlighting the importance of government support for jobseekers. The article concludes by emphasizing the need to address the complex interplay of factors that affect jobseekers' ability to find and keep employment.
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