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In this article, Val Plumwood discusses the concept of "place" and its relationship to environmental justice. She argues that the traditional dualism between mind and body, and the subsequent prioritization of individualism over collectivism, have led to a neglect of the importance of place in modern society. Plumwood suggests that place is not just a physical location, but also a complex network of relationships and connections that shape our understanding of the world.Plumwood draws on the work of Bill Neidjie, an Indigenous Australian writer and activist, to illustrate the importance of place in Indigenous cultures. Neidjie's use of the phrase "this piece of ground he grow you" highlights the intimate connection between people and the land, and the way that place shapes individual and collective identity.Plumwood also discusses the idea of "responsibility principle," which suggests that any exchange of goods or bads between places should make one or both places involved in the exchange better, and no places worse. This principle is compatible with some forms of exchange, such as Consumer Supported Agriculture, but it challenges the dominant commodity systems of exchange that have contributed to the fragmentation of place.Overall, Plumwood's article emphasizes the importance of a critical sense of place based on knowledge and care for multiple places, particularly in the context of environmental justice. She argues that a focus on place can help us to understand and address the ecological crises of our time, and to build more just and sustainable relationships between humans and non-human environments.
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