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The text discusses various perspectives on language learning, including input processing, processability theory, and the role of practice. Input processing refers to how learners notice and interpret visual input, such as eye movements when reading a text. Processability theory suggests that learners' ability to acquire new language features depends on their processing capacity, with easier-to-learn features being acquired first. The role of practice emphasizes the importance of meaningful interactions and repetition in language learning.The text also touches on the sociocultural perspective, which views cognitive development as arising from social interactions and internalizing what others say. This perspective highlights the importance of scaffolding and interaction within a learner's zone of proximal development (ZPD).Some key points mentioned include:* Learners may prioritize meaning over language form when processing input.* Processability theory predicts that learners will benefit from instruction when they reach a stage of developmental "readiness".* Practice should be interactive, meaningful, and focus on task-essential forms to promote language learning.* Automaticity (fluency) is an important aspect of language teaching and learning.
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