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The authors discuss the relationship between education, state, and society in the context of globalization and economic growth. They argue that the trend towards labor market exclusion can be maintained while sustaining the economy's growth rate. However, they also highlight the need for state intervention to address issues such as high rates of unemployment, poverty, and the emergence of a "new poor" sector.The authors emphasize that education is not only a social policy issue but also plays a crucial role in democracy building and economic development. They note that changes in the state's type are accompanied by profound transformations in social orders, which have led to new forms of collective action and social movements.The authors identify three key aspects for understanding the function of education in contemporary society: (1) the need to consider the interplay between education, state, and society; (2) the emergence of new actors and movements that are less dependent on the state; and (3) the transformations in the structure and role of the state and its relationship with society.The authors conclude by emphasizing the need to redefine the functions of education in light of these changes and to develop a new paradigm for social-educational development that addresses the challenges facing schools in the 21st century.
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