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In summary, the Yarang County spatial planning outline outlines a strategy for the county's economic development, improvement of residents' quality of life, and environmental protection over the next few years. The plan focuses on promoting sustainable development, investing in infrastructure, industry, agriculture, and social welfare, and prioritizing environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. It also includes a timeline, budget, and monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure accountability and transparency in implementation. The plan aims to position Yarang as a leading eco-tourism destination in the region by 2025 through sustainable economic growth, improved quality of life for residents, and protected environment.
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In summary, the Yarang County spatial planning outline outlines a strategy for the county's economic development, improvement of residents' quality of life, and environmental protection over the next few years. The plan focuses on promoting sustainable development, investing in infrastructure, industry, agriculture, and social welfare, and prioritizing environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. It also includes a timeline, budget, and monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure accountability and transparency in implementation. The plan aims to position Yarang as a leading eco-tourism destination in the region by 2025 through sustainable economic growth, improved quality of life for residents, and protected environment.
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