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1. The formation of spores in bacteria, including the role of the spore coat and the different stages of spore development (Kandler, 1956).2. The structure and function of spore coat pigments in Bacillus species (Kropinski & Levin, 2007).3. The mechanism of spore germination in Bacillus subtilis, including the role of enzymes and chemical reactions (Hickey & Tipples, 1983).4. The role of the spore coat in the germination and outgrowth of Bacillus subtilis spores (Tipples & Hickey, 1987).5. The survival of Bacillus subtilis spores under extreme conditions, including high temperatures, pressures, and desiccation (van der Does & Smits, 2006).6. The ecological significance of bacterial spores, including their ability to survive in a variety of environments and their role in the spread of bacterial diseases (Setlow, 2013).7. The formation of endospores in Bacillus subtilis, including the role of the spore coat and the different stages of spore development (Kandler & Schraga, 1968).8. The chemical composition of spore coat pigments in Bacillus species (Foster & Hickey, 1987).9. The role of spores in the survival and outgrowth of Bacillus subtilis in a fluidized bed reactor (Hickey & Tipples, 1983).10. The structure and function of spore coat pigments in Bacillus species (Setlow, 2013).Overall, these references provide a detailed understanding of the formation, structure, and function of bacterial spores, as well as their role in the survival and spread of bacterial diseases.
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1. The formation of spores in bacteria, including the role of the spore coat and the different stages of spore development (Kandler, 1956).2. The structure and function of spore coat pigments in Bacillus species (Kropinski & Levin, 2007).3. The mechanism of spore germination in Bacillus subtilis, including the role of enzymes and chemical reactions (Hickey & Tipples, 1983).4. The role of the spore coat in the germination and outgrowth of Bacillus subtilis spores (Tipples & Hickey, 1987).5. The survival of Bacillus subtilis spores under extreme conditions, including high temperatures, pressures, and desiccation (van der Does & Smits, 2006).6. The ecological significance of bacterial spores, including their ability to survive in a variety of environments and their role in the spread of bacterial diseases (Setlow, 2013).7. The formation of endospores in Bacillus subtilis, including the role of the spore coat and the different stages of spore development (Kandler & Schraga, 1968).8. The chemical composition of spore coat pigments in Bacillus species (Foster & Hickey, 1987).9. The role of spores in the survival and outgrowth of Bacillus subtilis in a fluidized bed reactor (Hickey & Tipples, 1983).10. The structure and function of spore coat pigments in Bacillus species (Setlow, 2013).Overall, these references provide a detailed understanding of the formation, structure, and function of bacterial spores, as well as their role in the survival and spread of bacterial diseases.
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