Dear Business English students,Here's Lesson 3 for Week 2. Today, we'll be focusing on how leaders can effectively manage progress updates meetings. As a leader, it's important to create an atmosphere of adaptability, ownership, and accountability. Here are some key takeaways from today's lesson:1. Respect & Focus: When requesting updates, use phrases like "Could you share the latest progress on [specific task]?" or "Are there any obstacles we need to clear to move forward with [specific task]?" This helps to create a respectful and focused environment for sharing updates.2. Create an Encouraging Environment: As a leader, it's important to foster open communication and create an atmosphere where team members are willing to share their updates. You can do this by saying something like "I'd like to hear about your recent work & how I can assist. Shall we go round the table?"3. Everyone is (Seen &) Heard: Make sure that everyone feels heard and seen in the meeting. Use phrases like "Alex, we'd appreciate your insights on [task]" or "That's a fantastic/great point, Sam. It gives us a new perspective. Thank you very much for contributing."4. Navigating Deadlines & Milestones: Use visual aids to outline key dates and schedule regular check-ins to focus on deadlines. Ask questions like "Are we on track to meet our next milestone?" to ensure that everyone is aware of the project's progress.5. Encouraging Solutions & Adaptability: When facing challenges, encourage solution-oriented conversations by asking phrases like "Have you tried doing sth?". This helps to foster innovation and adaptability within the team.6. Action & Accountability Closure: At the end of the meeting, it's important to recap actions, assign clear tasks, and establish an accountability framework to ensure that deadlines are met and progress is made.By following these tips, leaders can create a productive, positive, inclusive, and good for morale meetings. Remember, effective communication and collaboration are key to a successful project!