The Partnership Contract outlines the terms and conditions under which Skroutz SA (Provider Company) will process the personal data of users on behalf of the Data Controller. The Agreement highlights the responsibilities of both parties, including:1. Skroutz SA's obligation to process the personal data of Users as described in Table A annexed to the agreement (the "Processing").2. The Data Controller's responsibility to provide Skroutz SA with the personal data of Users and ensure that Skroutz SA processes such data in compliance with applicable legislation on data protection.3. Skroutz SA's obligation to not disclose the personal data of Users to any third party without the Data Controller's prior written authorization, unless required by law or a competent authority.4. Skroutz SA's commitment to take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data of Users.5. Skroutz SA's responsibility to provide the Data Controller with all necessary information and assistance to demonstrate compliance with its obligations under the agreement and applicable legislation on data protection.6. Skroutz SA's obligation to notify the Data Controller without undue delay in case of any breach of security or unauthorized access to the personal data of Users, as required by the applicable legislative framework.7. Skroutz SA's right to terminate the Processing described in Table A upon termination of the Partnership Contract.8. Skroutz SA's obligation to return or delete the personal data of Users after termination of the Processing, unless exceptional storage of specific, strictly necessary data is required by applicable legislative framework.9. Skroutz SA's liability for any damage or claim arising from any breach due to intention or negligence during the Processing of the personal data of Users, and its obligation to compensate the Data Controller for any amount paid or required to be paid.10. Skroutz SA's right to terminate the Partnership Contract in whole or in part if the other Party does not comply with its obligations under the agreement.The agreement also includes provisions on governing law, mediation proceedings, and dispute resolution.