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Every iPhone Generation: A Full History of Release Dates - IGN

The article provides an overview of iPhone models from 2014 to 2023, including their features, release dates, and notable changes. The models covered are:1. iPhone 6 (2014)2. iPhone 6S (2015)3. iPhone SE (2016)4. iPhone 7 (2016)5. iPhone 8 (2017)6. iPhone X (2017)7. iPhone XS (2018)8. iPhone XR (2018)9. iPhone 11 (2019)10. iPhone SE (2nd Gen) (2020)11. iPhone 12 (2020)12. iPhone 13 (2021)13. iPhone SE (3rd Gen) (2022)14. iPhone 14 (2022)15. iPhone 15 (2023)The article also mentions that the next-generation iPhone, iPhone 16, is expected to be released in September 2024.
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