Too Long; Didn't Read AI Too Long; Didn't Watch AI
გააკეთეთ შეუზღუდავი შეჯამებები AI-ით!
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Mrs. Gonzalez, a 7th grade ELA and Honors teacher at Theodore G. Davis Middle School, is informing parents that some students are using AI, Chatbots, and copying/pasting from the internet to complete written assignments. This is considered plagiarism and will result in an automatic zero and may lead to further disciplinary action. Mrs. Gonzalez emphasizes the importance of doing one's own work, particularly when it comes to essays and reports, as it is a crucial part of growing as a writer and critical thinker.
PRO მომხმარებლები იღებენ უმაღლესი ხარისხის შეჯამებებს
გადადით PRO-ზე US$ 7.0/m
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