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In their paper "Organizational Learning: A Theory of How Organizations Change," Richard B. McKelvey and David J. Snow Jr. propose a theory of organizational learning that encompasses cognitive processes, social structures, external factors, knowledge management, organizational culture, individual learning, and organizational memory. The authors emphasize the importance of these factors in shaping an organization's ability to learn and adapt, and highlight the critical role of organizational learning in today's rapidly changing business environment.Key points from the paper include:1. Introduction of the concept of "organizational learning" as a way to understand how organizations change and improve over time.2. Definition of organizational learning as the process by which organizations acquire, interpret, and use knowledge to improve their performance.3. Identification of cognitive processes such as attention, perception, memory, and reasoning as essential for organizational learning.4. Examination of social structures, including formal organizations, informal networks, and ad hoc coalitions, and how they impact the way knowledge is shared and used within an organization.5. Discussion of external factors such as the environment, customers, and suppliers that can influence organizational learning.6. Explanation of knowledge management as a critical aspect of organizational learning and the ability to acquire, interpret, and use knowledge to improve performance.7. Identification of organizational culture as a factor that shapes how knowledge is shared and used within an organization.8. Emphasis on individual learning as a key component of organizational learning and the importance of providing opportunities for individuals to learn and grow.9. Introduction of the concept of "organizational memory" and its impact on an organization's ability to learn and adapt.10. Conclusion highlighting the importance of organizational learning in today's rapidly changing business environment and the need for organizations to be able to learn and adapt quickly in order to remain competitive and successful.
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