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1. Attention: Ability to focus on specific stimuli or tasks.2. Brain: Organ responsible for processing and storing information.3. Cognition: Mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and understanding.4. Encoding: Process of transforming sensory information into a form that can be stored in long-term memory.5. Executive functions: Higher-level cognitive processes involved in planning, decision-making, and problem-solving.6. Long-term memory (LTM): Type of memory that can store information for an extended period of time.7. Massed practice: Method of learning in which the same material is practiced repeatedly in short intervals.8. Neural circuitry: Network of neurons and their connections that process and store information in the brain.9. Working memory: Cognitive system responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information in the brain.10. Spaced repetition: Method of learning in which material is reviewed multiple times at increasingly longer intervals to improve retention and recall.11. Chunking: Process of breaking down information into smaller, more manageable units to improve memory and retention.12. Context-dependent memory: Ability to retrieve memories based on the context in which they were learned or experienced.13. Emotional arousal: Emotional intensity or significance of an event or stimulus that can influence memory formation and retrieval.14. Episodic memory: Type of long-term memory involved in recollecting specific events or experiences from the past.15. Hippocampus: Structure in the brain associated with the formation and consolidation of new memories, particularly those related to emotion and spatial navigation.16. Long-term potentiation (LTP): Long-lasting increase in the strength of neural connections that underlies learning and memory.17. Neuroplasticity: Brain's ability to reorganize and adapt throughout life in response to new experiences, learning, and injury.18. Placebo effect: Phenomenon in which a person experiences improved symptoms or functioning due to their belief that they are receiving a treatment, even if the treatment is actually a placebo.19. Priming: Activation of specific concepts or tasks in memory, which can influence subsequent recall and performance.20. Procedural memory: Type of long-term memory involved in acquiring skills and habits through practice and repetition.21. Reconsolidation: Process of updating and refining previously consolidated memories to reflect new information or experiences.22. Retrieval cues: Cues or triggers that help retrieve a memory from storage, such as the context in which the memory was learned or experienced.23. Short-term memory (STM): Type of memory that can hold information for a short period of time before it is lost unless consolidated into LTM.24. Synaptic plasticity: Ability of neural connections to change and adapt in response to experience or learning, which underlies the formation of new memories.
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