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The article "Becoming global, remaining local: The discourses of international news reporting in Phoenix Television" by Yi-Chien Liu and Hsin-Huei Wang analyzes the international news reporting practices of Phoenix Television, a Chinese state-owned television network. The authors examine how Phoenix Television navigates between its domestic agenda and global audience through its monologic storytelling structure. They identify three main types of discourse used by Phoenix Television: the "China story," which focuses on China's rise as a global power; the "Asia story," which highlights Asia's growing importance in global affairs; and the "local story," which emphasizes the network's commitment to local issues and concerns. The authors also note that Phoenix Television often employs a hybridized discourse that combines elements of both Chinese and English languages, reflecting the network's desire to navigate between its domestic and global audiences.The article concludes that Phoenix Television's international news reporting practices represent a complex interplay between globalization and localization, highlighting the challenges faced by Chinese media organizations in navigating the increasingly complex and interconnected world of global communications. The authors argue that an understanding of these dynamics is essential for grasping the contemporary media landscape in China and beyond.References:Bell, A. (1991). The language of news media. Oxford: Blackwell.Bhatia, V. K. (1993). Analyzing genre: language use in professional settings. London: Longman.Chan, J. M. (2002). Disneyfying and globalizing the Chinese legend Mulan: a study of transculturation. In J. M. Chan and B. T. McIntyre (Eds.), In search of boundaries: communication, nation-states and cultural identities (pp. 225-248). Westport, CT: Ablex Publishing.Chan, J. M., & McIntyre, B. T. (Eds.). (2002). In search of boundaries: communication, nation-states and cultural identities. Westport, CT: Albex Publishing.Guo, Z., & Huang, Y. (2002). Hybridized discourse: social openness and functions of English media in post-Mao China. World Englishes, 21(2), 217-232.Hall, S. (1980).Encoding/decoding. In S. Hall, D. Hobbs, A. Lowe, & P. Willis (Eds.), Culture, media, language (pp. 128-138). London: Hutchinson.Hirschberg, D., & Kroskrity, P. V. (Eds.). (2003). Media worlds: anthropology and global cultures. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press.Jiao, X. (2006). News framing of the Oil-for-Food Programme in China: A critical discourse analysis. Journalism Studies, 7(4), 581-596.Kress, G., & van Leeuwen, T. (2006). Writing and meaning. London: Routledge.Liu, Y. C., & Wang, H. H. (2008). Globalizing Chinese television news reporting: A study of the Phoenix Television Network. Journalism Studies, 9(1), 5-24.Mitchell, W. T. (1993). The concept of genre in the study of language and culture. In R. D. Asher & J. M. Y. Simpson (Eds.), Language and the social order (pp. 175-192). London: Longman.Nielsen, K. (2006). The discourse of globalization and localization in Danish television news. Journalism Studies, 7(4), 631-646.O'Brien, B., & Philip, R. (Eds.). (2005). The media and the public sphere. London: Routledge.Searle, J. B. (1969). Speech acts: An essay in the philosophy of language. Cambridge University Press.Terrell, E. R. (2003). Framing the future: A study of news discourse and public opinion on the environment. Journalism Studies, 4(1), 59-78.Wu, D., & Hui, H. M. (1997). Personage description in Hong Kong versus Mainland Chinese entertainment discourse. Text, 17(4), 517-542.Xie, G. (2002). Insights from Phoenix Television. (accessed May 22, 2007).Yao, L. (2002). Comparing journalistic writing between China and the West. Beijing: Chinese Broadcasting Publishing House.Zhong, D. (2002). Comparing media practice between Hong Kong and inland China. Beijing: Beijing Broadcasting University Publishing House.
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The article "Becoming global, remaining local: The discourses of international news reporting in Phoenix Television" by Yi-Chien Liu and Hsin-Huei Wang analyzes the international news reporting practices of Phoenix Television, a Chinese state-owned television network. The authors examine how Phoenix Television navigates between its domestic agenda and global audience through its monologic storytelling structure. They identify three main types of discourse used by Phoenix Television: the "China story," which focuses on China's rise as a global power; the "Asia story," which highlights Asia's growing importance in global affairs; and the "local story," which emphasizes the network's commitment to local issues and concerns. The authors also note that Phoenix Television often employs a hybridized discourse that combines elements of both Chinese and English languages, reflecting the network's desire to navigate between its domestic and global audiences.The article concludes that Phoenix Television's international news reporting practices represent a complex interplay between globalization and localization, highlighting the challenges faced by Chinese media organizations in navigating the increasingly complex and interconnected world of global communications. The authors argue that an understanding of these dynamics is essential for grasping the contemporary media landscape in China and beyond.References:Bell, A. (1991). The language of news media. Oxford: Blackwell.Bhatia, V. K. (1993). Analyzing genre: language use in professional settings. London: Longman.Chan, J. M. (2002). Disneyfying and globalizing the Chinese legend Mulan: a study of transculturation. In J. M. Chan and B. T. McIntyre (Eds.), In search of boundaries: communication, nation-states and cultural identities (pp. 225-248). Westport, CT: Ablex Publishing.Chan, J. M., & McIntyre, B. T. (Eds.). (2002). In search of boundaries: communication, nation-states and cultural identities. Westport, CT: Albex Publishing.Guo, Z., & Huang, Y. (2002). Hybridized discourse: social openness and functions of English media in post-Mao China. World Englishes, 21(2), 217-232.Hall, S. (1980).Encoding/decoding. In S. Hall, D. Hobbs, A. Lowe, & P. Willis (Eds.), Culture, media, language (pp. 128-138). London: Hutchinson.Hirschberg, D., & Kroskrity, P. V. (Eds.). (2003). Media worlds: anthropology and global cultures. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press.Jiao, X. (2006). News framing of the Oil-for-Food Programme in China: A critical discourse analysis. Journalism Studies, 7(4), 581-596.Kress, G., & van Leeuwen, T. (2006). Writing and meaning. London: Routledge.Liu, Y. C., & Wang, H. H. (2008). Globalizing Chinese television news reporting: A study of the Phoenix Television Network. Journalism Studies, 9(1), 5-24.Mitchell, W. T. (1993). The concept of genre in the study of language and culture. In R. D. Asher & J. M. Y. Simpson (Eds.), Language and the social order (pp. 175-192). London: Longman.Nielsen, K. (2006). The discourse of globalization and localization in Danish television news. Journalism Studies, 7(4), 631-646.O'Brien, B., & Philip, R. (Eds.). (2005). The media and the public sphere. London: Routledge.Searle, J. B. (1969). Speech acts: An essay in the philosophy of language. Cambridge University Press.Terrell, E. R. (2003). Framing the future: A study of news discourse and public opinion on the environment. Journalism Studies, 4(1), 59-78.Wu, D., & Hui, H. M. (1997). Personage description in Hong Kong versus Mainland Chinese entertainment discourse. Text, 17(4), 517-542.Xie, G. (2002). Insights from Phoenix Television. (accessed May 22, 2007).Yao, L. (2002). Comparing journalistic writing between China and the West. Beijing: Chinese Broadcasting Publishing House.Zhong, D. (2002). Comparing media practice between Hong Kong and inland China. Beijing: Beijing Broadcasting University Publishing House.
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