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China’s policy of ‘String of Pearls’

The article "China's Policy of 'String of Pearls': A Threat to India's Energy Security?" discusses the potential dangers posed by China's maritime expansion in the Indian Ocean region, specifically the "Pearls" of the Coco Islands, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the Gulf of Mannar. The author argues that while these "Pearls" may not pose a direct military threat to India, they do pose an energy security risk due to China's growing presence in the region. The article highlights the strategic importance of these areas for China's energy exploitation and notes that India's reliance on foreign oil producers makes it vulnerable to disruptions in the region.The author analyzes the geopolitical dynamics at play in the Indian Ocean region, including China's growing influence and India's limited ability to counteract this expansion. The article concludes that while India has taken steps to improve its military presence in the area, it remains vulnerable to Chinese encroachment.The article cites several sources for its analysis, including news articles and academic studies. The authors acknowledge the limitations of their study and suggest areas for future research, such as the impact of climate change on the region's maritime security.Overall, the article provides a detailed analysis of the potential risks posed by China's maritime expansion in the Indian Ocean region and highlights the importance of this issue for India's energy security.
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